Week 2
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# of players who
picked favorite
Week 2 Games - All Pools # of players who
picked underdog
88 MIAMI by 1.5 over Buffalo 85
108 BALTIMORE by 10.0 over Las Vegas 66
126 L.A. Chargers by 6.5 over CAROLINA 48
108 DALLAS by 7.0 over New Orleans 66
88 DETROIT by 7.5 over Tampa Bay 86
94 Indianapolis by 4.0 over GREEN BAY 80
121 JACKSONVILLE by 3.5 over Cleveland 53
100 San Francisco by 6.0 over MINNESOTA 74
93 Seattle by 3.0 over NEW ENGLAND 81
98 N.Y. Jets by 4.5 over TENNESSEE 76
122 WASHINGTON by 2.5 over N.Y. Giants 52
68 ARIZONA by 1.5 over L.A. Rams 106
104 Pittsburgh by 3.0 over DENVER 69
127 KANSAS CITY by 6.0 over Cincinnati 47
109 HOUSTON by 7.0 over Chicago 64
143 PHILADELPHIA by 6.5 over Atlanta 31

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