Week 17
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L.A. RAMS by 6.0 over Arizona
58 players took L.A. RAMS 28 players took Arizona
A Blonde Moment A Lotta Balata Ace Beginners Luck
Analysis Paralysis Arnwell Bjorn To Be Wild BrieB
BadNewsBree Beakster Court DaManda
BF4L BigD DashDot DevRaceCar
Big Gulps Bigtime71 GAADI Ghostbusters
BillsMafia Boney Bears Gimper GoPack Go
Butcher Shop Catmom Hairy Bean Bags Hhhhhaohw
Chuck Norris Coolawa Insta Graham Logangster
Counts by 5 Craimily Mosi NinersinFLA
Dakotakid Dakota Outbacks Pivo Shortstak
Dirk Diggler Eli Hippo Shotgun Guy Sloppy Steaks
Experiment 626 FinsFan69 Sugar Pete The Killer Tomatoes
Flasher Flosser Tkasp Vallz to the Wall
Fofie Gladiator Guy Wishiwasasgudasu WState14
Grandma G Green Machine
Hank the Tank Hector Ramon
HockeyKV Jaim
Jgist10 JJMetz
Jump Shot Kalamazoo
K-Ditty Krash21
Leatherneck Little Wing
Manrain Maui
Mikey My Diggs Small
PanMan Patticake
Pebbles Quicksand
Rams84 Recleaner
Riggins4Ever Score DWF
Sky Speedy Spaedy
The Chosen Won The Playmaker

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