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ARIZONA by 1.5 over L.A. Rams
33 players took ARIZONA 54 players took L.A. Rams
Ace Analysis Paralysis A Lotta Balata AntMan
Bakken Girl Beginners Luck AZCheese Beakster
BillsMafia Bjorn To Be Wild BF4L Big Gulps
Butcher Shop Counts by 5 Bow Jingles BrieB
Craimily DashDot Catmom Chiefs Fan 4life
Fish FLGators25 Clueless Goober Coolawa
Flosser Gopherbob Dakota Outbacks DaManda
Halffast Hhhhhaohw DieAliiance DirtyD
Jaim JJMetz Eli Hippo Experiment 626
K-Ditty Lester Familystar Fofie
Maui Mikey GAADI Gimper
Mile High Club Muddoe Gladiator Guy Go Figure
Shotgun Boy Siouxyaya Grandma G Green Machine
Sloppy Steaks The Beepers Headhunter Hector Ramon
The Chosen Won The NUTcracker Insta Graham Jersey Devil
Vikes Viper Jgist10 Just the Opposite
White Lightning Kansas Bulldogs Krash21
Little Wing Llama Mama
Mac & Roni NinersinFLA
Norsewind Oldfart1
PanMan Peaches
Pivo Quicksand
Randoggs Rebels Riggins4Ever
RogerThat Score DWF
Snuffy Sundance
Tdtwisters Tweeds05
WhoopAss Wonderdom

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