2024 Cyber Football Playoff Pool Format

The purpose of the following playoff format is to keep things 'interesting' for as long as possible. We would like to have as many people as possible still in the running going into the Super Bowl. The highest scorer for each week will recieve a FREE PASS to the pool for next year.

There are 2 aspects to scoring points in each round. The first is by picking the winner of each game correctly. The second is by accurately guessing the total points scored in each game. 1,000 total points will be available.

Wild Card Games - There are 6 games in this round. Each player will do the following:
1) Pick a winner for each of the 6 games.
2) Pick the total points scored for each of the 6 games.

For each game picked correctly, each player will receive 50 points minus the number of points that they miss the actual point total of each game. For example, if you pick the winner correctly and a point total of 35 and the actual point total of the game is 30, you will have missed by 5 points. You would then get 45 (50 - 5) points for that game. If you pick the game incorrectly, you receive no points for that game.

The total points available for the Wild Card round is 300. If you pick all 6 games correctly and pick the point total for each game exactly right, you will receive all 300 points.

Divisional Games - There are 4 games in this round. This round will have the same format at the previous round, except each game will be worth 75 points and you will lose 2 points for each point you are off on the actual game point total. The total points available for this round is also 300. If you pick all 4 games correctly and pick the point total for each game exactly right, you will receive all 300 points. Similar to the Wild-Card games, if you pick the winner of the game incorrectly, you will not receive any points for that game.

Total points available for the first 2 rounds is 600 points.

Conference Finals - There are 2 games in this round. Correctly choosing the winner of each game will be worth 100 points, for a total of 200 possible points. Each player will also pick a point total for each game similar to the first two rounds, except you will be docked 3 points for each point you are off. For example, if you pick the winner correctly and a point total of 40, but the actual total is 50, you will get 100 points for picking the game right, but lose 30 points for missing the point total by 10 (100 - (3 X 10)). Thus you will have a score of 70 for that particular game. If you pick both games correctly and pick the point total for each game exactly right, you will receive all 200 points.

The maximum total after the first three rounds is 800 points.

Super Bowl - Correctly choosing the winner of the Super Bowl will be worth 200 points. You will again lose points based on the amount that you miss the point total by, but it will now be multiplied by 5, instead of 3 in the Conference Finals. The total points available for the Super Bowl game is 200 points.

The maximum total for the entire Playoff series is 1,000 points.

We have a pool of $300. 1st place will win $100, 2nd place wins $80, 3rd place wins $60, 4th place wins $40, and 5th place wins $20. 4 Free Passes will also be awarded over each of the four Playoff Rounds.