Week 17
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Pool A Pool B
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Pool A Pool B
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Pool A Pool B
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Week 17 Pool B Odds for Winning and Tying (of 4,096 possibilities)
1. Bakken Girl 271 46. Go Figure 4 1. Wonderdom 536 46. Jimmy Hoffa 45
2. Wonderdom 240 47. Jimmy Hoffa 4 2. Vikes 472 47. Scrots 45
3. Lester 216 48. Muddoe 4 3. Lester 462 48. Smallbutmighty 44
4. Vikes 116 49. Headhunter 3 4. Snuffy 299 49. Whoahhhhh 44
5. White Lightning 88 50. Peaches 2 5. The NUTcracker 270 50. Epic Failure 37
6. Clueless Goober 79 51. Bow Jingles 1 6. Little Thunder 247 51. The Catmeister 36
7. Redskins4eva 78 7. Gutbucket 240 52. PaPa Bear352 33
8. Snuffy 75 8. Gridiron Chef 231 53. Super Snoop 33
9. The NUTcracker 66 9. DirtyD 211 54. Chiefs Fan 4life 32
10. Siouxyaya 54 10. Siouxyaya 210 55. Always Delivers 30
11. Jersey Devil 52 11. WhoopAss 209 56. Gopherbob 30
12. Nick52! 51 12. FLGators25 204 57. Fish 29
13. Little Thunder 40 13. Vinces Daughter 199 58. Girl Squad 27
14. Vikingsgrl 38 14. Kudu63 182 59. Tapbeer 24
15. DirtyD 35 15. Kansas Bulldogs 176 60. Hercules 22
16. FLGators25 34 16. Randoggs Rebels 172 61. Slim n Trim 11
17. Gutbucket 33 17. Sundance 169 62. WhoopNass 11
18. Smallbutmighty 32 18. Vikingsgrl 160 63. MeCND 10
19. Just the Opposite 31 19. Coom 158 64. Mac & Roni 7
20. Randoggs Rebels 30 20. Familystar 148 65. Row the Boat 7
21. Girl Squad 28 21. Bakken Girl 147 66. RoyseCityBob 6
22. Super Snoop 28 22. Viper 134 67. The Beepers 5
23. The Crew 28 23. One Cent 133 68. AntMan 4
24. Coom 27 24. Roadrunner 131 69. Walleye Chop 3
25. WhoopAss 27 25. RogerThat 129 70. Bow Jingles 2
26. Kansas Bulldogs 23 26. The Crew 117 71. Beck 1
27. Sundance 20 27. Ninny 111
28. The Catmeister 19 28. Pokemaniac 111
29. KevE 16 29. KevE 107
30. One Cent 14 30. Just the Opposite 102
31. Jonny Buckets 13 31. Nick52! 88
32. Viper 13 32. Clueless Goober 81
33. Vinces Daughter 12 33. Headhunter 77
34. Familystar 11 34. Redskins4eva 76
35. Whoahhhhh 10 35. White Lightning 70
36. Beck 9 36. CarboMcoco 66
37. MeCND 9 37. BUBBAGUM 65
38. RogerThat 9 38. Go Figure 65
39. Kudu63 8 39. Tdtwisters 65
40. CarboMcoco 7 40. Peaches 64
41. Fish 7 41. Jonny Buckets 63
42. Slim n Trim 7 42. Llama Mama 59
43. Hercules 6 43. Jersey Devil 52
44. Roadrunner 6 44. Muddoe 52
45. Row the Boat 6 45. Tweeds05 46

The above table shows the number of chances each player
has to win or tie for 1st out of the remaining combinations.

If your name does not appear in either column
then you have been eliminated from winning for this week.