Week 2
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Pool A Pool B
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Week 2 Standings - Pool B 
(through 1 game)
1. BadNewsBree 1 26. Row the Boat 1 51. FinsFan69 0 76. Sky 0
2. BigD 1 27. RoyseCityBob 1 52. GoPack Go 0 77. Smallbutmighty 0
3. Boney Bears 1 28. Shortstak 1 53. Gridiron Chef 0 78. Sugar Pete 0
4. CarboMcoco 1 29. Shotgun Guy 1 54. Hairy Bean Bags 0 79. Tapbeer 0
5. Chuck Norris 1 30. Slim n Trim 1 55. Hank the Tank 0 80. TE Lightning 0
6. Coom 1 31. Speedy Spaedy 1 56. Hot Mess Mommy 0 81. Terrapin Station 0
7. Dakotakid 1 32. Super Snoop 1 57. Jimmy Hoffa 0 82. The Crew 0
8. Dirk Diggler 1 33. The Catmeister 1 58. Jonny Buckets 0 83. The Killer Tomatoes 0
9. Flasher 1 34. The Playmaker 1 59. KevE 0 84. Vikingsgrl 0
10. Flys2Long 1 35. The Plow Guy 1 60. Little Thunder 0 85. Vinces Daughter 0
11. Ghostbusters 1 36. Tkasp 1 61. Mastodon 14 0 86. VivaLaBubba 0
12. Girl Squad 1 37. Vallz to the Wall 1 62. My Diggs Small 0 87. Walleye Chop 0
13. Gutbucket 1 38. Whoahhhhh 1 63. Nick52! 0
14. Hercules 1 39. WhoopNass 1 64. Ninny 0
15. HockeyKV 1 40. Wishiwasasgudasu 1 65. One Cent 0
16. JackAss 1 41. WState14 1 66. PaPa Bear352 0
17. Jump Shot 1 42. A Blonde Moment 0 67. Patticake 0
18. Kalamazoo 1 43. Always Delivers 0 68. Pebbles 0
19. Kudu63 1 44. Arnwell 0 69. Pickems County Agricultural School 0
20. Leatherneck 1 45. Beck 0 70. Rainman 0
21. Logangster 1 46. Bigtime71 0 71. Rams84 0
22. Manrain 1 47. BUBBAGUM 0 72. Recleaner 0
23. MeCND 1 48. Court 0 73. Redskins4eva 0
24. Mosi 1 49. DevRaceCar 0 74. Roadrunner 0
25. Pokemaniac 1 50. Epic Failure 0 75. Scrots 0